2-year Areas of Interests
Choose one of the following areas of interest:
4-year Areas of Interests
Choose one of the following areas of interest:

2-year Majors in Agriculture and Natural Resources
Explore the following possible majors:
- Agroecology
- Equine Studies
- Extractive Resources Technology
- Farm and Ranch Management
- Ferrier Science
- Veterinary Technician
- Wildlife and Conservation Management
2-year Majors in Art, Design, and Performance
Explore the following possible majors:
- Auto Body Repair
- Computer Aided Design
- Digital Design Technologies
- Graphic Design
- Horticulture Management
- Journalism Certificate
- Music Technology
- Printing Production
- Radio Production
- Technical Theatre
- Web Site Development
- Web Tech and E-Commerce
2-year Majors in Art, Design, and Performance
Explore the following possible majors:
- Addictionology
- Athletic Coaching
- Athletic Training
- Certified Nursing Assistant
- Cosmetology
- Dental Hygiene
- Emergency Management
- Fitness Leadership
- Human Services
- Industrial Safety
- Massage Therapy
- Medical Lab Technician
- Medical Office Assistant
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Paramedic Technician
- Pharmacy Technician
- Phlebotomy
- Practical Nursing
- Radiography
- Respiratory Therapist
2-year Majors in Language, Cultures, Humanities
Explore the following possible majors:
- Archaeology Technician
- Creative Writing Certificate
- Culinary Arts
- Paralegal
2-year Majors in Law and Justice
Explore the following possible majors:
- Early Childhood Education
- Homeland Security
- Law Enforcement
- Paralegal
- Wilderness First Aid Responder
2-year Majors in Math and Computers
Explore the following possible majors:
- Accounting Certificate
- Administrative Assistant
- Clerk-Typist
- Commercial Driver's License
- Computer Networking
- Computer Security and Forensics
- Construction Technology
- Engineering Technician
- Entrepreneurship
- Office Information Systems
- Software Support Specialist
2-year Majors in Science
Explore the following possible majors:
- Alternative Fuels Technology
- Automotive Technology
- Aviation
- Carpentry
- Diesel Technology
- Electrical and Instrumentation Technology
- Environmental Science
- Fire Science
- Geography
- Industrial Maintenance
- Machine Tool Technology
- Manufacturing Technician
- Mining Maintenance Technology
- Natural Gas Compression Technology
- Production Agriculture
- Renewable Energy
- Robotics Technology
- Wildlife and Conservation Management
2-year Majors in Social Science
Explore the following possible majors:
- Hospitality Management
- Western American Studies Certificate
2-year Majors in Technology and Industry
Explore the following possible majors:
- Auto Body Repair
- Automotive
- Aviation
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Security
- Diesel and Heavy Equipment Mechanics
- Drafting and Design
- Electronics
- Extractive Resources Technology
- Fire Science
- Machine Tool Technology
- Technical Studies
- Welding Technology
4-year Majors in Agriculture and Natural Resources
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Art, Design, and Performance
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Business
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Communications
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Education and Human Services
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Engineering, Math, and Computers
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Health and Wellness
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Language, Culture, Humanities
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Law and Justice
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Science
Explore the following possible majors:
4-year Majors in Social Science
Explore the following possible majors: