High School Eligibility Requirements

Each level of the Hathaway Scholarship funding is achieved through different high school requirements.

Honors Performance Opportunity Provisional
$1,680 Max Award Amount Per Semester $1,260 Max Award Amount Per Semester $840 Max Award Amount Per Semester $840 Max Award Amount Per Semester
May be used at a WY community college or at UW May be used at a WY community college or at UW May be used at a WY community college or at UW Must first be used at a WY community college. *
Language Arts
4 Years
Language Arts
4 Years
Language Arts
4 Years
Language Arts
Current HS graduation requirements
4 Years
Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and one “additional math” course (additional math must be taken in grades 9-12)
4 Years
Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and one “additional math” course (additional math must be taken in grades 9-12)
4 Years
Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and one “additional math” course(additional math must be taken in grades 9-12)
Current HS graduation requirements; at least 2 of these courses: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
Social Studies
3 Years
Social Studies
3 Years
Social Studies
3 Years
Social Studies
Current HS graduation requirements
4 years
One year may include an “additional science” course
4 years
One year may include an “additional science” course
4 years
One year may include an “additional science” course
Current HS graduation requirements
FPA or CTE or FL
4 years of either fine and performing arts, foreign language or career and technical education.  2 of the 4 years must be sequenced
FPA or CTE or FL
4 years of either fine and performing arts, foreign language or career and technical education.  2 of the 4 years must be sequenced
FPA or CTE or FL
2 years of either fine and performing arts, career and technical education, or foreign language (FL must be sequenced)
FPA or CTE or FL
2 years of either fine and performing arts, career and technical education, or foreign language (FL must be sequenced)
Hathaway GPA
Hathaway GPA
Hathaway GPA
Hathaway GPA
ACT Score
ACT Score
ACT Score
ACT Score


WorkKeys® Score

*Provisional Opportunity students who earn an associate’s degree can extend their scholarship for an additional 4 full-time semesters at the University of Wyoming.

Hathaway Success Curriculum Requirements (PDF)

Hathaway Success Curriculum Worksheet (PDF)

Success Curriculum Approved Courses by District

Questions about the Hathaway Scholarship?

Contact the Hathaway Scholarship team or your school counselor today.