

  • College isn’t far off, so take steps to make sure you can afford the colleges you’re interested in attending. Remember, college tuition is only one part of your savings plan – there are housing, meals, and textbook expenses to think about too.
  • The Hathaway Scholarship is just for Wyoming students, and no other state has anything like it. So don’t miss out! Work with your counselor to make sure you remain eligible from now through senior year.
  • Talk to your counselor or teacher and ask questions to make sure you’re enrolled in the right classes to satisfy the Hathaway Scholarship eligibility requirements.


  • Think about what you want from your college education and start preparing for the ACT.
  • Talk to your counselor to find out more. Make a college plan with your counselor and find out more about AP (Advanced Placement), IB (International Baccalaureate) and Concurrent/Dual Enrollment classes at your high school.
    • All IB, AP and Dual/Concurrent courses are weighted for the Hathaway Scholarship, so find out what courses your high school offers and enroll!


Research on-demand careers and hot job fields. Talk to your counselor and learn about what industries, jobs, and majors are most in demand and might fit you best. There are tons of options, and now is the time to start planning!

For more information about planning for college, check out the video below!

Questions about the Hathaway Scholarship?

Contact the Hathaway Scholarship team or talk to your school counselor.