This calculator provides an estimate and information about different levels of the Hathaway Scholarship. Enter your information below to get started!
Some items have help associated with them — click on the icon to get help. Other items have important information associated with them. Click on the
to see this information.
To calculate your potential scholarship, first select the score upon which you want to base the calculation.
Next, choose whether to submit your ACT scores or indicate that you have a 12+ WorkKeys score.
Next, choose whether to calculate based on the information you have provided above, or include courses into the calculation.
Have/Plan to Take
Will Not Take
Algebra I
Algebra II
Hathaway-Approved English/Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science Courses
Have/Plan to Take
Will Not Take
4 years of English courses
3 years of Social Studies courses
Have/Plan to Take
Will Not Take
Two sequenced years of either fine and performing arts, career and technical education, or foreign language courses
Two additional years of either fine and performing arts, career and technical education, or foreign language courses
Have/Plan to Take
Will Not Take
Two Years of Career or Technical Education Courses
- OR -
Two Years of Fine or Performing Arts Courses
Wyoming public high school graduate
Graduate from a home school program. Requirements include courses and ACT scores; GPA will not be a factor in awarding the scholarship.
Earn a high school equivalency certicate through TASC, GED, or HiSET.
The Hathaway GPA will be based on a scale from 0 to 5.0. All courses taken will be included in the GPA calculation; however, only AP, IB, and Dual/Concurrent college courses 1000-level and above will be weighted. College courses below the 1000-level will not be weighted.More Information
The ACT (originally an abbreviation of American College Testing) college readiness assessment is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions in the United States produced by ACT, a nonprofit of the same name.
By selecting this option, you choose to go forward with your calculations without taking into account any courses you may have taken.
By selecting this option, you choose to go forward with your calculations taking into account any courses you may have taken as well as your scores, above. Please note that you must select an option for each course, then the calculate button will appear.
Please ask your H.S. Counselor or Curriculum Director for a list of Hathaway approved Additional Math courses.
Only one year of the science requirements can come from the additional science category
Both years must be the same foreign language. Shoshone, Arapahoe, and American Sign Language also fulfill this requirement.
May be sequenced or non-sequenced different language.
Need-based scholarships are available for Hathaway Scholarship recipients. Calculate your unmet need here.
Questions about the Hathaway Scholarship?
Contact the Hathaway Scholarship team or talk to your school counselor.